Λογότυπο Eταιρίας [302xX]
Πάνω Frame [668xX]

The self-contained STOPCOR device provides cathodic protection through impress current by the sacrificial anode.

The impress current covers and protects wide metal surfaces with much less sacrificed mass of active metal (anode).

The impress current is the result of the transfer of ions due to the difference in voltage reference between the magnesium mass and the second electrolytic pole (copper coating).

The current is direct (DC) and compatible with other metals since it is naturally generated.

The negative charging of the protected metals is completely satisfactory, resulting in the surface which used to be anode of galvanic element (i.e. negative oxidizing pole) becoming cathode of electrolytic cell (i.e. negative reducing pole).

The protected surface remains negatively charged but its action is reversed and is now inclined to undergo reduction instead of oxidation.

There are several advantages of this device compared to other methods. Here are some of them:

·   It is easily fitted, externally, without coming in direct contact with the water. As a result, it does not contaminate the water, it does not create residue which often block the installation and ruins circulators and network parts. Spoilage of the liquid within the installation is also avoided. Drinking water inside the pipes is protected and definitely not affected.

·   It does not require specialist technical knowledge to be fitted, nor is any opening of installations (boilers, heating vats, storage tanks) necessary, thereby avoiding liquid sealing problems.

·      Its results are excellent since the imposed current is totally consistent and stable because its voltage is naturally generated from magnesium.
Its range is longer, because the protection is achieved by imposing current on the installation itself.

·      Its proper function can be inspected with a simple test meter.

·      It is affordable.

·      It is recyclable and environmentally completely safe.

·      STOPCOR is neither affected by weather conditions nor affects anything in its immediate surroundings in any way.

·      The lifespan of the device is approximately 3 years depending on the occasion. Afterwards immediate replacement is required.

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